Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Trick To Hide Files And Folders In Windows And Cannot Be Shown Even After Choosing "Show Hidden Files" Option

Posted by Muji

Are you using any third party softwares for hiding your important or personal files?

If your answer is yes then i have another question for you. Are you hiding files by going to properties and hiding it through "Hidden" attribute. Well again if your answer is Yes then I have a last question for you. Can you make it still hidden even after changing the folder option to "Show Hidden Files"? Or can you make it still hidden even after the search in your computer. For this your answer will be definitely NO!.

Then what is the solution to hide files and folders and should not visible even after the folder option is changed to "Show Hidden Files" and without using any software? This article is for you. What if i say  I have a small trick for you to hide files and your files cannot be visible any where in the system even after local search?

Interesting right?

This trick is to hide any files and folders using Command Prompt.

The most important thing is that it cannot be viewed by any search options even if you click
"Show All Hidden Files and Folders" it cannot be viewed
Hiding the most wanted files and folders is very important nowadays & it's really a tedious job too. 

In-order to make this tedious job an easy one i'm going to deliver you a the trick now,

For Example you have a folder named "Personal Data" and this folder is stored in (Disk Drive D) and you want that it should not be visible for strangers who use your PC

For that you need to follow the following instructions

Step 1: press Windows key on keyboard + R (Open Run Command Dialog Box) Or go to start and type Run and press OK or enter, it will execute and Opens Run Command Dialog Box

Step 2: Now type cmd in the Run Command Dialog Box 

by doing this you ill get a command prompt displayed
attrib +s +h D:\Personal Data
Hit enter button

The folder "Personal Data" will be hidden (Note: It cannot be viewed by any search options)

How To Get Back The Folder:

To view this folder once again, instead of  '+' enter '-' for the both s and h attributes in the code.

Author's Note: If you liked my article please do share with your friends. Also please subscribe to the news letter for more awesome tricks and tips.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing but ,,, if you search the content of the folder they are visible .. i have craeted a folder named e:\job in which i kept my resume

    now when i am searching 'job' in search box its visible

    But if the things whihc are there in this folder have some uncommon names then this trick is good

    Thanks for sharing
    Udzial Means Share
